
Mom's Alzheimer's Disease


My mom was a massage therapist during my childhood and into my 30s.  

She suffered a left lobular stroke on July 3, 2015 after a scare from a car accident.  She's never been the same.  It affected her dominant side, her right.  At the time of her stroke, they also found she was diabetic.  She had uncontrolled diabetes for years, causing unknown complications to her body.  She is now 83 years old as of May 13, 2023.

Since the stroke, she's been on a major decline.  What we attributed to stroke symptoms, years after her stroke, was diagnosed as Alzheimer's Disease in 2023.

Alzheimer's is known as diabetes of the brain.  It, basically, eats at the brain, causing memory loss.  There is no cure, and there is nothing that will stop it in its tracks.  There's no reversal, either.  This aggressive dementia and disease will eventually cause her to forget her memories, which includes everyone she knows, everyone she knew, including herself.  She will forget how to eat and swallow, which she will end up succumbing to.

My mom is already at the advanced stages of Alzheimer's Disease.  I'm currently in the process of conservatorship for her.  She lives with me, my husband, and my sister.  We take turns caring for her.  It has become very expensive.  I, literally, get no days off.  If I am not working at my massage job, I am at home, caring for my mom, paying fees and bills for her.  The attorney fees, medical fees, necessities, her phone bill, travel to and from her appointments. It is expensive.

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